Tuesday, July 24, 2012
the Cape

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Summer so far....

Saturday, April 21, 2012
just unpacked….and now re-living our trip through over 800 pictures!
the excitement from the kids was crazy fun!!!
Coop’s face was priceless as we drove into Disney…he couldn’t contain his excitement….he wanted to jump right out of his seat… “feels just like my dream momma!!!!!”
after checking into the Wilderness Lodge…..
we headed to the docks, where the boat was waiting to take us to Magic Kingdom!!!
early morning 2nd day…..
the morning light was amazing!!
just a few of my favorite moments….so many to choose from!!! Caroline was so excited to meet Minnie at “Mickey’s Breakfast”
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Playing catch up!
I think the last time I posted was Valentine’s Day…..
life has been crazy!
a good crazy, I have to keep reminding myself, a good crazy!
Cooper is now reading…holy cow!
Basketball season is over and done……the kiddos did wonderful!!!
hubby ran the whole show!! Here is Caroline’s team giving flowers to their coaches……they had girls from the high school coaching them…they rocked!!!
we let the kids sleep in the same room….they loved it!!! the were so cute…whispering when the lights went out…and right to sleep when we told them!!! ….however, our early bird Caroline woke sleep head Coop up at 5am….not so cute.
we had a visit from the leprechaun….with strict orders not to mess up the house (I really don’t get the whole messy trick thing) and not to go upstairs near the kiddos’ rooms. Yes, we will be paying for therapy for our kids…for fears of little people….elfs at Christmas time and now little leprechauns!
the kids leave out a pair of shoes for the leprechauns to fill with goodies….
this year we tried a new tradition….an Easter Garden. I first read about it here. And since I was in charge of Sunday school….we got busy making a couple gardens…..
a path of stones leading to a tomb with Jesus inside, guards watching over, candles representing the light to come, water to symbolize hope, and a cactus to represent the crown of thorns.
Our first Easter celebration was today, church for palm Sunday and Easter egg making in Sunday school for the kids…..family and friends from near and far arrived….
and now this table that was filled with family and friends, tulips, candles and good food….is now cleared off….
and now is “packing central”…piled high with bathing suits, towels, clothes, travel snacks, cameras…getting ready for our next adventure!!!! Counting down the days!!!!