Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter Fun

Friday night skiing....we had to drag Caroline off the slopes crying because she didn't want to go....she skied for hours...and wanted "just one more time?!" Cooper, my simple little man, just wanted to ride up the magic carpet with daddy, with toy truck in hand, and run down the hill....little legs going as fast as they could. Today we went to the Winter Carnival on the lake.....sledding!

Ice Skating races! Go Caroline!! She had a permanent smile on her face the whole time....this girl had a blast all day! She made it around the track every time without falling once!

It was a gorgeous day to be outside! Even I, who curses the winter, enjoyed the bright sun and blue sky....and always fun to enjoy a great day with the family.

Caroline took home 1st place for skating and 2nd place for sledding! Cooper was just happy to be outside digging in the snow with his truck....he also go a trophy for competing! A great day all around....rosy cheeks and tired kids!

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