Monday, March 2, 2009

looks like snow today

march is coming in like a lion.....snowing like crazy today.....
I thought i would show you a picture of all the winter stuff.....looks like we have a half a dozen kids living with us...nope, just two....but the weather here has been a bit mixed up....on Friday it was on with the rain gear, rain coats, rain its a snow storm....hence, all the other stuff. This part of the new addition is where we all come in from the garage or the side yard, and all the stuff gets dumped. I am hoping to find an antique wardrobe to store everything. I finally designated two chairs for the kids to keep their stuff organized. And because of the radiant heat the floor is the best place to lay out all the wet clothes....this was after this mornings outing.....once Coop wakes up from his nap we'll go back out to shovel again.And this is what gets us through these cold wintry days....dreaming and planning our garden for the spring.....the kids helped pick out what they want to grow.....Rob needs to rebuild our raised gardens in a new spot....our whole yard is being reorganized this will be nice to have our yard back after giving it over to construction last summer....big plans.

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