Thursday, May 7, 2009

may already? our days are filled with ordinary things...laundry, breakfast dishes, getting Caroline off to school, playgroups, getting dinner is simple these days....and when cooper says, "lets go for a walk" I can smile and say..."OK"I cherish these puts on his splash boots, i grab an umbrella, and we walk. We notice new flowers, talk to neighbors who we haven't seen all winter, coop finds all the good puddles. this gate has a bell that he loves to hopes of seeing the resident cat.
we make our way to the "coffee shop"
a coffee for me, a "coffee milk" for coop.
a snickerdoodle cookie for coop, a scone for me.
4 years ago it was my oldest sitting across from me, now she is in preschool and I can have this special time with my little boy....who is growing up too fast.

on our walk back...the sun shines for us
and we always stop to smell the flowers

feeling like life is passing us by these days.....Caroline went to Kindergarten screening last week and we are surprising her with her new booster baby is turning 5 this summer and I am not ready.

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