Thursday, September 10, 2009

the fair


gotta love the fair!


funnel cakes and free fish

fairc faird

we bought the hand stamp which allowed the kids all access to the rides! rob and i were patting ourselves on the back for that decision. over 3 hours of rides!!! at one point they got on and off a ride 10 times to ride every different car!

fair (2)

the crowns came from a booth selling water filters…Caroline the queen, if the hat fits…wear it!

fair2 fair5 fair7 fairb fair3

it was not a day without tears… was too small for some rides……and Caroline was actually too TALL for one ride!

any advice on how to keep these goldfish alive? there are not looking so hot!

1 comment:

Steph said...

What fun! Yes, you have to love a fair, but like only once a year! lol Cooper and Caroline are so adorable! We won a fish this year too, but gave it to my dad for his pond. I did keep one alive in a 20 gallon aquarium and eventually gave it to my dad for his pond. It's doing great and is so big and it's a few years old now. I would do a tank with a filter and I know with goldfish you have to keep the tank really clean. Good luck! By the way, those stamps or bracelets are definitely worth the price for the rides! I can't get over how many tickets one ride takes now a days.